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Friday, December 31, 2010

It is like the last day of the year though it does not feel so at all...

Let me go through the year's stuff.

This year is the rockiest years I have, it was even more rocky than years when I am insulted the whole year round.

Reason for that is, I have been brought up to heaven and banished to hell a few times and it is really taking a toll on my body.

My health is also dipping and yes, it is worse than previous years because my emotions are in a whole whirl....

Even as I am typing this, I am in a very messed up state.

Well I have thanked many on my christmas post so I will not be doing any more so here.

I know there would be a few people who I have to apologise to, so if you receive a very personalised message from me, you know I have done you wrong and seeks for your forgiveness in this new year, though I know I am weak and probably anger you further, but slap me if you must to make me come to my senses...

Yes so it seems I will be working during January, says crazy to myself but yes I need the money and I don't care if my health will suffer further cos of it...

I will try to change myself at least a bit in the new year, at least I need to study more than usual.

Alright now, Happy New Year's Eve and shall hope New Year will be nice XD



Longed for at8:08 PM
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

well I guess I am pretty bored here, I am like blogging while I am at Tan Tock Sheng Hospital now LOL XD

Yea very sian have to come for checkup, blame on my stupid back with all it's rubbish problems...

But I guess this is better than not doing anything at home.

I am probably going to be here for like a few hours if it takes long, if I am lucky and it is going to be short, I will be done in 2 hours XD

Well I shall see what the doctor will be saying.....

I am tempted to go arcade later though, but I am not sure where yet though haha XD and I must see if I can find people too XD

For now, my back hurts and I need either a hug or someone to bite, yes I am either a gentle rabbit or a fierce tiger, I am very extreme.

oh well I shall see how the results will turn up.

Why is my body so old sia.... so much problem de....

I hope the doctor will declare I will die the next day then I no need to so mafan le....

make things simpler...

ok ignores my rubbish....



Longed for at11:26 AM
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas people XD.

That would be exactly what I love to say to all but after what just happened when I reach home, I am in no mood to say much so.

Let me rant first before I do the christmas post.


ok rant over. let's get on with the christmas post.

Christmas eve was awesomely spent with JTC people, went to town go crazy and shops around eats and arcade.

It was a fun day out with Bentoh, Kezia, Tricia, Diyanah, Neko, Jason, Jun, Darren, Kazuo, Wen Xiao, Wan Yi, Sean, Chicken and Beatrix.

After the crazy day of events, Wen Xiao, Darren, Kazuo and I went to Tricia place and yes though we didn't count down to christmas, we still spent it there haha XD Then was a crazy person all the way home.

Today was like went out to watch movie with Beatrix, Diyanah, Jason, Javis and Tricia.

Watched Tron, predictable plots, with painful lights but nice graphics.

Before movie, went to MOF and eat some ice cream first though HAHA XD

Then went to Dhoby to meet neko and walk around and eat dinner at Mos Burger and Windy and Ligen came for awhile before going off then we went home and I saw that bloody shit.

Now for the usual christmas stuff.

Hey guys it is nearly a year, and omg 2010 passed damn fast, soon will be year 3 and all the crap will come in but no, that is not what I will be chatting about. I am just here to thank people who have stood by me. I doubt I will even be here blogging if not for some of you haha so yea I am damn grateful and I will be like thanking people like now so names will appear so watch for your name to see if I am damn grateful to you XD.

So let's see first up whose name(s) will appear XD

BUTAS - haha you guys will always seem to top my list every year, this year is no exception, despite the fact that we did not meet as much but you guys are truly <3, without you guys I will never seem to pull through much, especially pinku, thanks for putting up with all my rubbish and be there for me when I need to cry XD.

Class 2F01 - Guys, though we don't seem as bonded, but we are overall still a crazy bunch of class and for that I am proud to be part of the class and very happy with the time we have spent. Let's get past this remaining term with flying colours.

Vackk - Yea though we seem to be always so stern and sort, I enjoy the time we went out, it is super fun, I am sorry if I am becoming very cold recently but I find I need to isolate myself abit, I fear my incapability to study and need sometime to think....

NPStrings - Guys like though we have been meeting less, we will always be damn awesome, I really enjoyed the time we have spent and it is really fun, I doubt we are any where near done, we will revive with a mark to proof and become a super imba group so let's work hard!!!!

JTC - This is for the general group of JTC people, seniors and juniors, this year has been real fun and I really enjoyed myself in all the sessions, I never once complained about the work I need to do, I am truly happy to help you all do the activities and stuff, it is really worth it XD so let the new year be filled with more happiness and craziness XD

Bentoh - Good friend is good haha, been friends since Sec 1, omg how fast have time passed, 6 years just went by and many years are coming, thanks for all the fun memories and randomness we have haha, and stay happy with Kezia hahaha XD.

Kezia - OMG I only know you this year, like so amazing haha, ok I am being lame, yea we will stay awesome forever, sick buddies unite. we will like try to make more people recover, cos I think I am falling sick soon XD yea awesome memories, I enjoyed the fun times we have, and we will stay crazy always and stay happy with you LUNCH XD

Darren - I never much knew how we came about, but yea, we just sorta clicked up haha XD from barely notice each other from last year to crazy things now haha XD I enjoyed the little chats we have, and I love the crazy moments we shared and I look forward to all the craziness in the new year XD

Kazuo - DUDE, haha never knew how it started but we just seem to be chatting about working out and body physique somehow and it is enjoyable haha XD and we like crap alot too, just all the random and crazy stuff, is super fun and I will cherish the memories, and we will be crazier in the new year XD

Wen Xiao - HAHA although we have been in the same secondary school, we have not known each other until poly year 1 haha, stay crazy woman, but keep your pms in control, try to be more open and you will be happier siol XD

Tricia - Hey girl, stay happy ok, now you are in love, I want you to remember this, insecurity is your weakness, despite the fact you know that you are being loved back, you are still insecure, but I just wish you will remain secure, it is easy just don't think too much, if u need to think alot, think about other things. I will make it clear to you bah, I will still be giving you hugs, but the occurrence will definitely be lesser, stay happy ok XD

Diyanah - Yo fellow Pisceans, we are the awesome horoscope, but I hope you will smile more sia, you are not nice with a sad face, the smile is definitely waiting for you haha XD just know anything wrong I am always here, just call me and I will try to help you, we will be crazy always, promise.

Beatrix - Omg I can't believe you are going australia in a couple of months, you are always calm and cool which is like the sane person of the group, but we can be super crazy too if we want to and WE BOTH MISS GERMANY ALOT!!!! after you australia, look out for more germany quality guys and send me pictures haha XD

Jason - HAHA omg I only know you like a few weeks and dude, you made it on the list, like be damn honoured sia hahaha XD though the time spent is little, but yes, we have our share of craziness haha so I look forward to how much more crazy we can get.

Jeanette - Omg girl we need to meet more, thanks for spending my birthday with me though, it was super super nice and I am definitely touched, I promise I will cook for you again and it will stay there XD so look forward and next year will be more awesome.

Ming Yang - Ah Bu, see I never forget you, though you are a lousy mother, you are definitely been one of my emotional support, because you are putting up alot of my rubbish also and I hope we will stay crazy even in the new year to come haha XD

Eugene - Thought I forget about you? haha that would be literally impossible dude XD though I only know you this year, but you have been a very important source of support for me too, your hugs are very very nice and for that I really appreciate it and be honoured, you are the only junior who made it on the list haha XD but trust me, the next time I see you, you are owing me alot haha XD don't ask why, just know it XD.

That is all I am naming, for those I did not name, it is not that I forget about you but seriously my mind is not working in such a rage mode and I apologise, but you guys know what you have done and I am grateful for even your simple existence in my life so thanks all XD

Now time for the Christmas usual, the christmas emo sentence:

Rain replaced the snow of the Christmas and created a dark atmosphere which freezes one on the outside but warms one in the inside, granting one an isolated entity to hide in to reveal the hidden sadness which torments.....


Longed for at12:28 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hey people I know I freaking did not update like mad.

I am like having fun now at Tricia's 18th Birthday chalet, the night yesterday was like mad, as it is like simply crazy stuff, everyone was like spamming food, scandals, jokes, companionship and definitely BOOZE!!!!

Well definitely, Darren was like simply trying to get wasted. But of course, he like did not get drunk but he get freaking high and he cannot maintain his balance XD

Well yesterday was simply like awesome. We had loads of surprise for Tricia definitely, firstly was I tricked her that Eugene will not make it but of course, he did HAHA XD. Then definitely it is the cake, but I cannot seem to understand why she did not predict the cake LOL XD

Ok well I am like helping her do the bar and stuff, and seriously I am like loving my job and of course I forget my meals and that cause my low blood pressure to step in but thanks to the Ichigo sweet Beatrix, I recovered and become super high and that is a bad sign, as that is where bad things will start to happen.

The night was freezing, but it was ok initially, until I make a dumb mistake to lie down. If I did not fucking lie down, my back will not ache and I will not scare everyone, though it will be alright if I was left alone for a few minutes, but yes, it is like scary for them.

Well in the end I have no idea who slept and who did not, so I shall skip on that part.

Then today morning I have to leave at 8.30 am because I have to head all the way down to balestier to pray as it is my ancestors' death anniversary. Omg it was like so pai seh today because I was on the bus and I was like falling asleep, then in the end I just moved very large and then I hit an old lady by accident, and the best part, the same thing happened in the train and I hit a younger lady this time.

Well I am like back here now at the chalet, but seriously how much of my condition is still sane I have no idea, I am probably like half dead now, but definitely I am pretty high, but I can be sure I will collapse when I reach home later, I seriously do hope I am like falling sick because I can't stand to see people getting anymore sick already.

Oh well I am probably done now so I will post more if I feel like.



Longed for at1:32 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2010

It has been ages since I have last blogged, do not ask why I have barely blogged, I am super sian at a few things,

One, my tagboard has been spammed by rubbish and it is really an eyesore.

Two, I somehow dislike pressing the "B" button on my keypad when I am typing urls.

Three, school has been pretty hecticly busy so yea.

And a few other reasons which I shall be too lazy to name HAHA

I just wanna point a few things out here, I shall be busy for now until after the common test, then I will be blogging during the term break, when school reopens in January, I would be pretty busy working, so yea I won't be blogging during January lo haha XD

I will also be pretty busy after January as the final exams will be coming and seriously need  my this semester to be good or else I die....

Alright I shall be doing homework soon, ciaos.

Longed for at10:02 PM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments