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Saturday, May 29, 2010

I do not know what is wrong with 2010, I somehow seem to be hearing the word death.

It is like a lot of people's relatives are passing away, yes I know it is a horrible thing to say, but this is what I get from 2010, because I see a lot of friends posting things like their grandparents passed away etc. I feel it is just sad, life is beautiful, yet at the same time fragile. I guess the closest reference I have for life is glass, it is nice, but fragile, sometimes clear, sometimes blur, and it is unique in its own way.

Oh well I guess I feel more sympathetic today haha XD

Alright, today went to Clarence's house with Anna, Vanessa and Kai En. Like finally, went to his house, and is properly go to the house, not there to put things and get out. We went there, so called looked around the house before settling down and start doing Microbio reports.

Then was like take very long to do the yoghurt report, like from 2 pm until 5.30 pm, then did the soil report which was like finish by 6 plus, and then come a email from Dr Forday saying the dateline is pushed back till next Monday. @#$%^& waste my time, I could be doing more work or rest more and at least won't need to so stress and chiong until like that. Then finish interior design homework and hand in fast.

oh well then went to Junction 8 to eat dinner then go home

home is bored.......

alright lazy to go details into things hahah XD



Longed for at12:13 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wee Had a very very very very fun day today haha XD

I doubt I had this much fun for quite some time, met up with nii chan, doggie, samuel, verlene and jeri haha XD it is very rare to meet jeri, seeing the fact that he is not always in singapore, so it is like a very nice opportunity.

Alright so at first was just bowling session and yes I still suck at it and in fact deproved haha XD

then was abit of arcade, then we went to PS cos i need to get a white long sleeve shirt to wear while helping out at graduation XD

then went to central, went to waraku to eat, love the food, it was damn awesome, the ice cream also, I totally recommand the place when u have some cash to spare hahah

then after that we walked around central and then we went to see the flea market there, I bought a gift for Jean there haha XD

then waited at one side of the bridge for jeri to arrive XD

then we went to TCC to drink coffee XD we chatted alot and i must say, jeri surprised me alot, because he managed to uncover my true personality, the one which i hide from every single friend and people i know, but he just got it right on first shot, guess my eyes killed me today haha XD lost control of the ability to hide them hahaah XD

but oh well had a long chat and left at around 11 plus and reached home like 12 plus, now i just wanna say something.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANETTE!!!!! You are now 18, you are legal haha XD can go drink abit liao and then you can start learning how to drive and bang people down on the road hahaa jkjk XD Just enjoy this day and be happy ^^ XD


Longed for at1:49 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Alright been quite a while since I posted an entry haha XD

Been real busy with school, all the ccas and stuff are slowly but definitely piling up with all the tests and quizzes etc.

I have no idea what's wrong with me nowadays, I am somehow losing part of my patience, becoming like pretty easily annoyed, I seriously need to regain my composure, I know that what ever that is affecting my mood will continue to do so for a long time to come, thus I need to strengthen my tolerance and increase my patience even further than it already is.

I guess the weather has taken quite a bit out of me, the alternating sun and rain is causing my body to weaken, ever since the start of this week, I have been getting faint spells and it only increases as the week progresses, which well I will say today was quite often and I think it will only continue to increase.

I just hope I can last till saturday without fainting, that is all I ask for.

Now I will do a bit of ranting.

I guess losing my heart is a mistake I have done, now I feel no love, and all my emotions are like turning into anger somehow.... It is frustrating and I seriously need to cool down and get back to being happy, even if it means I have to wear the mask for my life, because I won't want to show my anger, it is not fair to anyone at all.

My sadness, anger, all my negative emotions, are not to be shown, because of my personality, it is extremely capable of amplifying the effects of all these negative emotions and I will become very devilish, which is not fair to anyone at all.....

Alright I hate to continue so shall end here Janeh.


Longed for at10:22 PM
Saturday, May 08, 2010

tml is mother's day so happy early mother's day to all mothers haha

ok i know I have not been blogging much, but cant blame me I got hell loads of things to do.

I am doing this post to prove i am still alive, alright just dumb haha

ok thats all ciaos

Longed for at10:16 PM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments