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Monday, September 28, 2009

BACK, Oh god it felt so good sia haha XD

the weather today is awesomely cooling.

3 days of working at F1 drained my life hahaha XD but still it is an awesome experience, I saw many Chiobus haha XD nice sia

Served many dff guests and saw my cousin as well AHHA that was just laughs XD

I loved working with my colleagues, all are very fun people, despite during work time it was really busy and messy haha but we all had fun ultimately XD

alright I am still rather tired, so I shall stop here haha XD ciaos


Longed for at1:15 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Many thoughts have been running through my mind today, firstly was on my job.

"Did I make the right choice of taking up this job? The pay out is not bad despite the work is abit tough, even though I know it is unstable but I am willing to work hard for it, but yet I am getting so stressed over it, did I choose correctly?"

secondly was on my attitude to some friends.

"Am I showing how I truly feel towards some of them? Am I just acting to be friends to some? Am I really true to my own emotions? I feel that certain emotions I show in front some of my friend is so fake I want to puke, but yet why can't I show them what I really feel?"

thirdly was on my own personality.

"Is my personality that compromising? Am I really that adaptable to many people? I don't know, sometimes it feels it is a need to change according, but in the process I lost my true self, so now who am I actually, fake or real? I feel fake, how to be real again?"

fourthly was on my life is overall.

"I don't know what is going on, am I still alive to begin with? Sometimes my existence seems so silent, I can't make a sound, this is so frustrating."

Basically this is the random thoughts that go through my emo day.

Yes I feel my presence is very silent, I feel sometimes it is so silent, it engulfs me in a vacuum that even when I shout, there is no sound.

I feel I am on a paper boat, floating down the stream, not knowing when the boat will sink or whether I will be able to reach an end before it does, I need the extra help, but it is always not available, as the people I seek help from seems to be missing most of the time, this is really tiring, my mind seems to be frozen in the midst of this....

I will end with a sentence:

The journey of life flows like the stream, slow and fast, smooth and rough, but yet once we can locate the wind of our lifes, we will be able to find comfort and face all the obstacles.


Longed for at1:32 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009

nvm I decide not to talk about the piss off thing, boils blood only.

anyway let me talk about today XD

I woke at 9 in the morning, due the disturbing shouting of my mother and the crying of my sister, she is like some bloody spoilt brat, oh wait she already is one, return to school like want her life like that. damn noisy.

Then I went to school to gym, it was fun and nice to sweat.

Then at around 1 I went for lunch, went to BPP to eat ramen at Bishamon, not bad, just the amount can be more, but after that I feel all my effort in gym has been utterly wasted haha XD

then went to get a cake and went home, slacked at home, worry over phone and now here half dead haha XD

alright thats all janei XD


Longed for at11:17 PM

FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more info when I feel like it


Longed for at12:30 AM
Saturday, September 12, 2009


Alright, today is pretty fun XD

I went KBOX first time haha XD yes I know I suck, so long then go KBOX for the first time ahah XD

I went with Raymond daddy and alvin.

Sang loads of songs and I found my pitch is actually higher than I thought it was HAHAHA XD

It is all fun and gay for the high pitch parts haha XD

but I enjoyed myself thorouhgly.

A few downsides, now my voice is abit hoarse, and just now, I coughed out some phlegm and found strands of blood in it, so I guess I over strained my voice box AHHA XD oh well XD all fun and stuff, just lack training nia, no biggie XD

alright tonight gonna sleep around 12, cos tomorrow got to work at 11, so HAHA thats all

Plenty songs in mind to go off with, janei


Longed for at9:55 PM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I am feeling very blissed today, despite it being boring, but I found loads of warmth along the day, be it just the boring slacking around or even when I do have something to do, I have friends who are with me. So I am very happy.

alright I was watching a movie in the morning

It is called Love Of Siam....
I give this movie a 4/5 stars, I will begin with the downside of the movie, it is a bloody 170MINS!! near 3 hrs sia. with few draggy scenes.

Ok this is a thai movie, but very touching, it talks about how this 2 boys (Mew & Tong) from young were neighbours and they developed a very close friendship, but when Tong's sister went missing, the parents decide to move out.

the 2 lost contact for many years until they wre like teenagers before they met up again, this time, Mew is already a singer of a band. They continued to talk about their past and soon, they found out that they feel more about one another.

This was then found out by Tong's mother who tried to break them up, as Tong's family is going through a tough time.

so oh well this is a gay movie, but it is very touching and despite a long screening time, I will still say this is a worthy to watch movie.

so oh well nth to do, so thats all janei XD


Longed for at11:57 PM
Saturday, September 05, 2009

I am back from camp XD YAY!!!!!!

alright, techinically I am back yesterday hah XD but was so darn tired, I just don't have the energy to blog lo haha XD

Camp was rather fun, as the activities were planned quite alright, but the down side was first day's activities is abit messy XD

well I lazy post pictures haha XD so oh well XD

I am in love with Love Drunk by boys like girls, it is an awesome song and it speaks much of my life haha XD so I can relate haha

so I am tired abit now, ciaos XD


Longed for at6:06 PM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments