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Saturday, August 29, 2009

I am bushed XD


weird way to start a post I know XD

Oh well, had fun today XD, loads and loads of fun ^^

First and foremost I want to thank all that have turned up today ^^ It made my day, I am really grateful.

Was at walking around Plaza Singapura at first, then I popped by the arcade at the mrt and guess who I found, haah I found Kaien XD coincidence sia XD then played time crisis 3 with him until it is time to meet the rest, we met them at the other arcade that is in Plaza Singapure.

Followed up, we then went to the Cathay an met up with JB and Arnold. ZC joined much later.

We watched the movie, The Proposal.

The movie was very funny, I was laughing very hard throughout, of course it has some very touching scenes as well, and I enjoyed the company of friends. ZC was teasing JB throughout the movie XD.

As said, comedies are meant to watch with many, cos you all can laugh together XD

then wen to randomly walk around, and played pool xD

It was fun, and I found, well I need to practice more le haha XD

After that, went to suntec and we went arcade again hahaha XD I was playing basketball XD it was fun, but my skills drop lol XD

Then went dinner at Just Acia, I find the food there is pretty nice, and it is reasonably priced, free flow of drinks and ice cream also sia XD

then went home.

While I am on my way back, my mind start to enter that state of the wandering.

I am starting to think back on my life, about the people I have hurt, the people that have hurt me, the people whom I have helped and the people who have helped me, I suddenly feel so indebted to many. My mind just blank there and in my desperate strugle to get back my thoughts I did not realise that a few drops of tears have escaped my control and rolled down my cheeks.

It felt warm, so I guess it as tears of gratefulness. but aferall I am happy now ^^

alright janei.


Longed for at12:48 AM
Friday, August 28, 2009

I am slightly confused, she is totally ignoring my sms today, I don't blame her though, but oh well, that will be some fact I must accept.

I was reading on daddy Raymond's posts just now, and it just triggered some of my memories, It let me think back to the days of rejections.

They are painful, heart wrenching, but my tears never did flow, I am quite incapable of crying during that time, but let me see if I can remember the most hurtful rejection line I got.

If I remember correctly, it goes like that, she called her friend to call me and her friend said this, "Hey Ken, you are a great guy, but she is not ready for it yet, just don't bother waiting, alright bye." And just before the phone went dead, I heard laughters coming from the other side of the phone. I stood by the phone in a daze for more than a minute before coming to my senses. At the point I came back to my senses, my face felt wet and warm, 'I am crying' that is what I thought to myself.

I kept smiling and tried to wipe the tears off, but they won't stop flowing, so I am not given a chance, I had to just sleep as I do not want to let my parents find out, I hid under my blanket and continue tearing before I fell asleep.

How long I have cried, I have no idea, it seems like hours and hours.

ok my point here I guess is, I am expecting a rejection answer from her. So, either way, I am going to be highly affected....


Longed for at12:45 AM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

OMG EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!! HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BREAK!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!

Ok, let me review the past few papers.

Firstly, Mathematics, it was relatively easy so I am quite happy, but Ms Tan says that got quite a number did not do well, so I am quite worried here...

Oh well putting that aside, the next paper is Microbiology, so let me see, this paper is a killer as expected, but I tink can pass so I am not complaining ^^

Now final paper is, yes you guessed it, the long awaited INORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I was freezing while attempting the paper, I tell you, the aircon is bloody
-10202949579349294296397 degrees or something, I was shivering until I can die. As soon as I complete the paper, I check through once and I run out of the exam hall already XD

After the paper and all, I am finally a free man, I feel I can just soar into the air, float amongst the clouds, shout at the sun and drop to the ground like a meteor and land with a big bang, I am just too happy XD

So oh well, I told her about my thoughts today, I did not manage to sound less harsh, my tone is still serious and relatively on the harsh side, so I can only stand here and say,"I'm sorry, I seriously do not know how to put my words across in another manner."

Oh well this will conclude my day XD

I will end off with a simple sentence:

It is the little imperfections in life and people that makes this world so memorable and mysterious.


Longed for at7:26 PM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

exams are coming XD omg so nervous XD

oh well, monday was a blast, went to darling's house, oh man, his house is big sia XD and damn nice to study in lo, no worries tomorrow I will go again and this time I make sure he studies. okok I noe it is weird to say my darling is a he, but haha he is just an awesome friend, I call him that out of fun, so no romantic at all XD

then then, I am so gonna fail my IPC and Microbio lo XD study so much and I nvr get it haaXD

oh well, slowly bah XD maybe I will get it soon.

then hor, yesterday, I intended to study in schl until 9.30 de, but sian, kana fever, had to go home by 6, then I was at home slacking until 11 then go and sleep, woke up around 3 am to find myelf on the floor, climbed back up to bed and sleep until 7 haha XD ok ok I know I am a pig haha XD

so well, I will be heading to school soon, cos recovered until quite ok le, so no problem le haha XD

Longed for at9:30 AM
Sunday, August 09, 2009

ok back to blog, shall say one thing


ok I am not patriotic, but basically it is a nice country, I enjoyed my 17 yrs here and many more to go haha XD

today is a very nice day, cos the weather has been rather nice and not killing

and I am just plain slacking.

but the worst part is my hair is bloody ugly now,

call the uncle cut sides and leave my fringe and back alone.

he go cut my back until short and then go layer my fringe, now it is so thin.

then the sides, he just cut until like the top is like puffed up, DAMN DAMN DAMN UGLY!!!!!

oh well shall not think of it


Longed for at10:45 PM

I woke up in the morning with a back ache as usual XD haha but oh well, used to it, currently abit feverish but still I am hyper haha XD

wanna go cut hair later, but mum is not home, so oh well, have to wait then XD

the past week is abit hectic, but then all ccas are finished, so well time to pia studies le, need to get a good GPA for this term, no slacking, but i am really drained, shall spend the weekends to recharge abit more then XD

I am still happy overall XD afterall she is always around so I am smiling more, so it is all fine XD

oh wel i will blog a while later, need to get breakfast XD


Longed for at9:27 AM
Saturday, August 01, 2009

I dunnoe what is wrong with me.

I understand that loving is nothing wrong, as long as she is happy I will be, the logic is this simple no?

I am helping a good friend get a girl he like, I am doing something good what. Of course I know I am hurt in the process, but I now I am alright, I have awesome friends, like darling, daddy john and daddy raymond, maddie, sky, andrew bro, JB, chris kor kor who is currently missing and many more. I will get through this fine.

But why am I so flustered, I understand I helped Arnold cos well, he just broke up and I know if I were to just snatch the girl from under his nose, I will be like back-stabbing him, he is my first friend in Poly, he is an important friend, and I do not want to lose this friendship.

Many said I should just go for it and confess, there will be some who sits on the fence, and also some who respected my decision and asked me to just get over the girl.

But well I am just, well... I dunnoe, disturbed?

My mood is very swingy, I am hot-tempered now, I snap for no reason, I am like just a jerk right now.

I don't know what to say, sorry? thanks? get lost? just die? I don't know, my mind is clouded, just clouded, tears wun flow, means I am not sad? but the heart hurts, doesn't it? I just don't know.

It takes more time I guess, probably I need to think through this, as JB said, I need to know what I want to do after the weekends, but I am just too tired to think now...

well i will stop here.

a simple line:

The flame on the candle fades, as the last drop of wax drips onto the ground, just like the sparkle of the eyes fade, as the last drop of tear flows down the face.


Longed for at10:07 PM

Getting sweeped by this love thing again, I realy am starting to hate myself.

What is the point of falling in love, it is tiring, painful and a never ending process of pain, I am repeating my love life so many times I am disgusted by myself, it is high time I stop and just die....

well just wanna rant.

Longed for at9:25 AM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments