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Friday, November 28, 2008

Lol work has been rough for now, cos I am still trying to get used to the new schedule.

Well I have acquired more injuries. Quite stupid but also fun haaha XD

Well for now this is all I have to blog, till I feel like blogging again I will post the pictures I took at work.


Longed for at1:54 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008


today during break, went to timezonewith pearl, quan and brandon.

Fuck my bloody leg can, cramo until like that, make me so hard to dance properly FUCK IT!!!!!!


FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! Cannot tahan this anymore, bursting sia. I nearly vent this anger out at work lor. The poor plates, nearly got smashed by me. Lucky was able to get back composure so did not break a single one XD.

I want to amputate my leg, then dun need bother le, can forever be a disabled person and heck care about all this.

Ok enough of my crap talk. A little meme I took from Pearl's blog.

Q1 : The person who tagged you was?

Q2 : Your relationship with her/him?
We are yin yang pigs.

Q3 : Your 5 impressions of her/him?
Emo kia, moody woman, sleepy pig, incompetent in choosing boyfriend, sot sot de.

Q4 : The most memorable thing he/she have done for you?
intro me to great friends.

Q5 : If he/she become your lover , you would..
be happy but at the same time think she must be blind to have chosen me instead of a particular person.

Q6 : If he/she become your lover, they need to improve on?
No one is perfect, I don't demand a change. If change then what's the point of liking the person for who she is?

Q7 : The most desired thing you want for him/her to be?
A 撒娇 de godsis

Q8 : Your overall impression of him/her?
She emo too much.

Q9 : How do you think others would think of you?
spastic, feminine, ugly, weird, lame, freak of a nature.

Q10 : The character(s) you love about yourself?
Good acting skills, spastic and lame.

Q11 : The character(s) you hate about yourself?
an asshole, jerk, coward, lousy friend.

Q12 : The most ideal person you wanna be?
kind, gentle, motherly.

Q13 : For people that care & love you , what would you wanna say to them?
stop caring and loving me, don't waste your love and care.

Q14 : Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you ...
1. Iffah
2. Qiu Ju
3. Dorothy
4. Tavin
5. Pearly
6. Shao Quan
7. Jeanette
8. Teck Chuan
9. Wei Liang
10. Hila

Q15 : Who is 6 having a relationship with? (Shao Quan)
his computer

Q16 : Is number 9 a female or a male? (Wei Liang)

Q17 : If number 7 & 10 are together , would it be good? (Jeanette; Hila)
It would be very wrong

Q18 : What is number 2 studying about? (Qiu Ju)
ways to kill Mrs Sng.

Q19: When was the last time you chatted with number 3? (Dorothy)
few weeks ago.

Q20: What kind of music genre does number 8 like? (Teck Chuan)
all genre?

Q21 : Does number 1 have siblings? (Iffah)

Q22 : Would you woo number 3? (Dorothy)
Nope ^^ she is a good friend

Q23 : How about number 7? (Jeanette)
*coughs* *coughs* maybe XD

Q24 : Is number 4 single? (Tavin)

Q25 : Whats the surname of number 5? (Pearly)

Q26 : What is the hobby of number 10? (Hila)
singing and playing the piano

Q27 : Does number 5 & 9 get along? (Pearly, Wei Liang)
In a way yes.

Q28 : Where is number 2 studying at? (Qiu Ju)
Holiday Academy of Singapore

Q29 : Talking something casually about 1 .... (Iffah)
She rocks

Q30 : Have you tried developing feelings for number 8? (Tack Chuan)
I have already developed brotherly feeling for him.

Q31 : Where does number 9 live? (Wei Liang)
Somwhere in marsling.

Q32 : What colour does number 4 like? (Tavin)

Q33 : Are number 1 & 5 best friends? (Iffah, Pearly)
They dun even talk to one another

Q34 : Does number 1 have any pet ? (Iffah)

Q35 : Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world? (Jeanette)
My, I would say so haha XD

Q36 : What is number 10 doing now? (Hila)

Ok that's all



Longed for at12:20 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Morning people.

Haha so bushed haha XD Just started work at Gelare yesterday. It was quite nice, just standing for 8 hours wasn't exactly what I like and I washed dishes till wrinkled fingers and my thumb simply hurts too much lar.

Well nvm, I will only work till 12 december so it should be alright lar.

Today will continue working, and the same for the whole of this week, from 1pm to 9pm. Quite tiring lor. I totally understand what my supervisor Effa meant when se say after yesterday I will hate the customers. Yes! I do hate the customers, partly cos they waste food like mad. I washed one plate, it still has like 3/4 of the waffle and halfthe ice cream left. I mean like if you aren't gonna eat it all, then don't bloody come and eat lar.

Well after 12 december, I will take a long break and slack at home muahahaha.

This way, I won't kill myself. Though I saw a part timer offer at jigsaw puzzle world. Very tempting lor.

Well I shall get through this first bah.


Longed for at8:12 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008

I am so sian now, I did not get the job yesterday as he owner need no more helper le. so sad....
Well I will still go get job de, don't worry muahahaha XD

Now I will some pictures about the school's P6 open house on saturday.

P.S I made loads of sacrifice for it sia.

Haha I have a cross on the face XD

I name this, Repuntzel gone wrong.

Even more wrong Repuntzel.

Even more wrong, but got DC (lol disconnected XD haha no lar, is Drama Club)

I Love you Drama XD hahahahaha


Longed for at7:50 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008

Wees watched High School Musical 3 today haha XD

It was on the average quite nice I give it 3.5 stars out of 5 stars XD

It was overall quite corny, but after the show I noticed it reflected part of my life. It seems from the show what Gabriella is trying to do to Troy is literally what I am trying to do to the Butas and that is to leave.

Throughout the show, I was only paying half attention to the show. My mind was actully partly reflecting on my actions lar.

Let's see, by the end, I devise 2 routes to take. One, is to stick with the Butas for as long as possible. Second, is to leave now and never turn back, which means totally cut out all conections with them.

I was also reflecting what led to all this nonsensical but somewhat seem neccesary actions I made. To many this actions of leaving is plain crap and redundant, but somewhat my heart make me feel they are quite neccesary.

I searched high and low, through memories and emotions of the past and finally found my answer. It is stupid but the answer is actually inferiority.

But this inferiority is only towards Quan. He is the one I feel most inferior to. Teck Chuan, I obviously feel inferior to him, but it was minimal because in a way, I guess I would say, he don't get affected much by me, so I won't be affected by my feeling of inferiority to him.

For Pearly, she is a girl, that is reason enough for not to be affected too much by my feeling of inferiority to her. I guess also was because maybe I in some ways are more capable than her, so it sort of balance out the inferior feelings.

For Wei Liang, his results are simply daunting, literal straight As, that is plain scary. But I guess, somehow my personality can click and synchronise properly with his, so I am not affected by this sense of inferiority.

But for Shao Quan, I am totally intimidated by him. Be it in the aesthetics or academics, he outshines me in all way. His results are all so wonderful. His sports ability is so good. Compared to him, I like air, barely anything. His attitude towards love is also awesome. He sticks to liking the same girl even though it has been made clear that she won't accept him. For this, he has pushed me down further, as I give up very easily and now though I like a girl, I have no courage to confess to her.

This sense of inferiority make me run away. As I simply have no courage to face them at all. I am weak I don't have a strong will and stuff lar.

Some what I guess I just ain't strong enough to face up this fear. Though I can talk all this problem to the Butas and no matter how useful their advice is, I somehow just can't muster the courage to fight the fear.

Is it the experience from going thorugh too many goodbyes telling me that it is pointless to continue unbalance paced friendship with them, or am I just plain a damn coward?

Ah I am just too confused right now, I simply don't know what to do. Should I stay or go? Naturally I know the Butas will all tell me to stay except for Wei Liang. He will tell me to choose the best route myself. Well I don't know how things will go about now.



Longed for at10:56 PM

Yosh good morning XD

Yesterday Prom Night was a blast XD It was really fun sia. Lots of things happen.

In the morning had Bio Paper 1. It wasn't as easy as I expected lar.

Ok afternoon, went DDR, then after that went home to prepare for Prom. Went Orchard to find Quan and Pearl, then they left soon after I met up with them, as Pearl has to reach home by 5pm.

So it left me to wander aimlessly around for hours since it was like 4.30pm or so lor XD.

Well I walked from Clarke Quay to Chinatown an then back to Clarke Quay. Was plain bored lar hahahaah XD well here are some pictures from Clarke Quay.

The place over the Singapore River is Boat Quay, loads of nice things over there XD

I read the sign of this shop initially as Wolf Blast. XD

This is the bridge I crossed muahahaha, so funs XD

I seriously have no idea what this is lor. But something tells me this is some kind of air-conditioner bah, since it was an open space yet the whole place is air conditioned and no air cons can be seen around. the only thing I saw was all this kind of structures around, so I guess it must be a kind of air con bah XD.

Fountain haaha XD very nice one wo, better than the one at Bugis sia XD

The hotel for Prom from afar. (so run down)

The Hotel from upclose. (wah kao even more run down sia)

At Liang Court sia, I didn't know FBT makes beds for kids. I though it only makes sports clothings XD

A uber gothic shop XD

A very pink Hello Kitty shop XD

But the gothic and such a pink shop together, really contradictive sia XD

OMG WHY AM I ON THE MENU!!??!?!?!?! Oo

The interior of the hotel, looks so much different from the run down look from the outside XD

A little temporary tatoo they put on me.

Me holding the mask XD very acbc lar XD ( act cool buay cool)

Some decorating roses outside the ballroom muahah XD

Look Timcampy came long muahahaha XD (He had fun at the Prom too)

The ceiling is high with nice fabric decoration, but looks abit old in decoration style haha not so modern, but who cares XD

Timu and me XD muahahahaha

oooo FOOD XD It was a buffet XD

My table haah XD. Fanny and her friends take so many and let us all share, so we don't need to keep going to the buffet table to get more food muahaha XD

Dessert is nice XD The chocolate mousse is yum yum. The pear pie is also very very very very very nice sia XD. Lucky got honeydew, supressed the chocolate drunkness, so I was like still sane after eating the chocolate mousse.

Now some pictures after Prom ended XD

Our photographer for the night.

Sitting down neh XD Hahaha he don't let me take, so sneak shot lor muahaha XD

Lol just trying on the mask I got muahaha XD

This was a door gift. YES!!! A CUP!!!! It has chocolate in it muahahaha


Ok that's all.


Longed for at11:58 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Muahaha tomorrow is the final paper le JIA YOU!!!!!

I will post some stuffs from yesterday.
Went Gelare with Quan yesterday XD very nice to eat hahaha XD
This is mine XD very fruity.
This is Quan's so chocolaty XD
When I was about to go back yesterday, I felt my world crashing in again. Quan's words accompanied with the cold blades of the wind at night, became knives that just slashed my heart so thoroughly I thought I would just die at that moment.
Well I got over ti now, but temporarily only lar.
Now a little about today.
Went basketball and met very strong opponents, had great fun sia XD
After that was basketball in the rain muahahah, was drenched, now slight fever, but no biggie, it will go away muahahah. Then all sort of things happen allalaal. Something happened to me during basketball, I lazy type out the whole event, so I just let the picture do the talking, the whole procedure is up to your own imagination le XD
ok here is the picture

Muahah I got cool scar XD


Longed for at10:29 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Memories flow through a length of time,
Residing deep inside our mind,
Showing itself from time to time,
Reminding us of all our finds.

Be it good or bad,
These memories forms our sight,
Revealing truth that was just beside,
Shooting down all the lies.

Though some of my memories contain fun,
The others are just plain darn,
The pain these held just makes me run,
Making me do naught but stay and grunt.

Was plain bored muahhahaha


Longed for at2:32 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008

Muahhaha back to blog again XD today morning started off funny XD, went basketball in the rain, yawns XD but who cares lalalala. here are some pics

Omg Teck Chuan is so pro plus XD play basketball with umbrella XD

My my today introduce a sexy boy haha XD He is none other than Shao Quan hahaha XD who call him go wear that shirt that reveal his biceps, muahahah. Now he shall be a victim to my pictures XD

Front view, looks muscular sia XD heck lar, he is muscular to begin with lor, this six pecs hard bao. If he don't move so much, it will look better hahah XD

Back view, come on girls. Chase this guy, doesn't the back look reliable enough for u XD hahahaa

haha ok enough of suaning him le lar, he is just an innocent kid XD girls don't attempt to get your hands around him, his heart is taken, so beat it XD
ok nth much to post le


Longed for at10:25 PM
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Haiz, today was a typical boring day.
It has been quite long since I have experienced this kind of day le.

Though I had smses to keep me company, it is as good as not having them cos there is little sms can help.

Soon enough this day will become part of my daily life le. I hate to admit it, but it seem that his year is ending, and if history is really keen on repeating itself, I will lose them for sure. I am not sure how it will go, but I have a feeling that it will be quite high percentage whereby history will repeat itself.

I guess it is time for them to not be so close anymore le bah. Actually seeing how they are now, they could well live without me, they seem happy even when I am not around, so I hope their lifes won't get too affected if I really leave.

Somehow I don't know why am I even writing this.

Is it the assurance they give me is not sufficient to convince me, or am I too stuck up with my past experience that made me unable to accept their assurance fully?

I don't know, I guess guilt is another factor. Since I have hurt so many people, I think I am undeserving of their friendship in this manner, with the fact that I have consistently hurt them both physically and mentally, I don't know why do they still treat me so nicely. It seem to only add to my guilt. Am I that influential? Am I of that much importance that no matter how much damage I do to them they won't mind?

I am seriously confused right now.....

Well current condition : Fever 38.7 degrees


Longed for at9:07 PM

Roar, I am back from chalet, ok I am already back for 2 days, but yesterday cannot use com cos was literally out whole day lar hahaha XD Only manage to use in the night, but missed the chance to blog cos I use half way go eat, eat liao accidently fall asleep. Then wake at 4 am. so is like an hour ago hahahaah XD

Anyway here is an update of the chalet.

5th November:
First day of the chalet, woke up groggily, cos no paper so slacking around muahahah XD Then pei my mother go makan breakfast and slack for even longer before going to find Teck Chuan.
After pianoing and slacking at Teck Chuan's house, we went to Shao Quan's house to 寄放 our stuffs. Then zhao home to get my psp cover and also money XD

Then went back to Shao Quan's house later. Waited for more people to cme, then played mahjong. Then Leon came, then we carried everything down and hitched a ride on his father's lorry.

Off we went to Pearly's house to get some stuffs. After getting the food and returning to the lorry, it rained. It rained just as me and Cheng Qiang just got into the back of the lorry lor, so heng abit lar. Then Keen Hoe, Cheng Qiang and I sat down and chated while being attacked by the rain. Then Wei Liang came, fully drenched, poor guy, he fell into the drain cos the water level of the drain is the same as normal ground.

Well then we went to 306 there, so Quan can get his specs. We waited for very long, end up Keen Hoe, Cheng Qiang and I cannot tahan, too hot liao le. So we got out, Cheng Qiang and I then go find for Quan, whom end up we saw him buying waffles with Chuan. Truly I appreciate their kindness, but at least next time inform us first.

Then moved off to Marsling MRT to fetch Pearly and Brandon and finally off to downtown east!!!
When we reached there, just slack around till it is time for us to enter. Placed our stuffs down, prepare here and there and finally BBQ!!!! Well here are some pics, coped some from Pearl de XD
Haha, I broke this knife while cutting the corn XD used too much strength le, next time seriously must be gentler hahahaa XD

Lol look Teck Chuan is holding on to apparently the only corn which is perfectly cooked with no burnt marks at all XD

Hmm, I wonder what grudge does Teck Chuan has against this corn?? Oo

Teck Chuan Posing again, this one seriously looks cute, though wrong for me to say, but this one really look cute to me XD

Muhahaah, sweet potatoes and corns XD

Lollers, more sweet potatoes and corns XD

Quarrelled with my fucking father in due course of the BBQ cos he is an ass.

Well after that, later in the evening, Quan and the rest went swimming, left Pearl, Brandon, Wei Liang, Cheng Qiang and I at the chalet house. Jumped around on the DDR mat haha XD

Then when they come back, we continue to play around and talk talk. Before Quan and I proceeded on to the beach.

6th November:

Sitting by the beach and listened to the sea with Quan, it was nice. The night was coolingor rather simply freezing, but it was very relaxing. Then finally get to let down a part of my memory le, so even more relaxed. Then talked to Quan about of my little past. Then after a while he entered lala land, leaving me staring at the sea and singing my songs away.

Well this is a picture I took at the beach, the night is nice. Then at around 3++ the leaves of the trees started ruffling so loudly, it sounded like it was raining at a distant, I nearly attempted to pack the things up, carry Quan and zhao back to the chalet house. Then after awhile I confirm it was the sound of the leaves, so didn't do anything.

Then was so bloody cold, cannot tahan le, was like hugging Quan, who is so warm with his jackets and stuff, but only for awhile, or else it will be too wrong haha XD. Then he woke at aound 4, then we slacked for awhile before proceeding abck to the chalet house. On the way back I saw Jackie, I mean like what are the chances sia, at that place and that time. But damn nice, lar to see an old friend like that. Though he didn't change much lar. When I called out to him, he simply shouted my name so loudly lo XD.

When we reached back at the chalet house, it was like everyone was awake, or rather most bah XD Then watched them play game, I fall asleep at about 6. Then woke at 6.30 am, zhao out of the chalet house immediately attempting to catch the sun rise.

Well this is as close as I can get to the sun rise, since I woke up so late XD

Here's one of the clouds XD

Then after that, went back to the house, made breakfast for everyone and then we went volleyball XD which end up becoming captain's ball XD and while walking it was basketball.

Sian part is got a number of injury sia. Brandon was injured by Keen Hoe and Quan slipped and fell.

After that, we went back to the chalet house and slacked around. Shi Min and Sherilyn showed up later and then helped Pearly dye hair, I AM SERIOUSLY NO GOOD WITH DYES MUAHAHAHHA. Lol then after that, went to the arcade and play!!

Rushed back to the chalet house to pack and leave, cos I have to settle with my father. shan't say much of what happen at home, abit too worrisome le. Then sneaked out of the house later and only reach back at the chalet house at about 10.30.

Then, I saw a very sick Quan. poo boy, must be too much swimming le. Then we just all slacked around sat outside, sing song alal and played the Wii until it hanged haha XD then watched tv till 4 am and fell asleep.

7th November(last day of chalet T_T):

Well woke at 6.30again, this time rushed out, with a Pearly, Brandon, Shi Min, Sherilyn and Keen Hoe. We walked to the beach for awhile and walked back deciding that we are too late le.

Then back at the chalet house, everyone still sleeping, sian lar. Shi Min and Sherilyn left shortly. I simply sat around outside and slacked and fell asleep. Then wake up every so often to look around.

Around 8.30 I sian le, I wake everyone up. Then they continue to slack sia. Then we went breakfast XD. Everyone went to Macdonald's to eat, only I extra one go to McCafé haha XD Then continue to slack abit lor.

A wonderful cup of cuppacino.

A plate of Apple crumbler <3

Then we went back, packed up, clean up then checked out.

On the way back we were aall jumpy then, went to several location till we reach Leon's house, I walked home from then and settle some stuffs on the com and slacked around.

Went arcade later, DDRed with Pearly. Sorry Chuan I didn't DDR with you, I will make it up for you, I promise. Then peied Pearly home with Quan and we sat outside of her house and talked till her mum comes back. Then went back home. Talked to Quan on the phone and sleep.

8th November:

Woke up like 6 am, fighting a horrible fever, quickly drowned myself in ice I tell you, only got better at 8am. Groggily got out of back after that, sat around before going out to join Quan they all in Bball.

I AM TERRIBLY SORRY QUAN, I SHOULDN'T HAVE PUSHED YOU, I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I AM TERRIBLY SORRY!!!! I was just too violent to be true lar, fever is bad. sobs sobs. Next time fever, I shall seclude myself, cannot get in contact with anyone, or else I will hurt them again. But actually just don't play anything violent can le. If I am plain having fever and with someone, I will just cling on to the person haha XD

After that,went ddr and daytona and zhao home, having Chuan pei me walk walk. Went to my younger sis school afterwards and it was a bore I tell you. But like kao lar, her school got PS3 sia, but the teacher keep saying PSB. HAHAHA XD I was like thinking why not POSB hahaha XD But her PE lessons like damn attractive cos got in-line skating.

Well after that went back to Woodlands and went to Quan's house, we slacked around and talk till I go home. After I reach home bathed, ate and ZZZ by accident. So here I will apologise to all those who pm me but no reply SORRY!!!!!


Longed for at5:00 AM
Monday, November 03, 2008

1 more paper down!!!

Left the last 2 MCQ!!!!

So happy, jumps.

Well I have chalet in 2 days, can't wait. I simply adore the piggies ^^

They are love I tell you, they planned this chalet, though it means extra cost and despite them already gonna have a class chalet, love them loads!!!!!

Days like this, are wonderful memories, I hope they will simply last, though childish and naive, but I truly hope they will stay like that ^^

I am left with little time, somehow bah, but this things will carry on for awhile more, and I hope it will keep on going at least till the en of this year, I won't ask too much just give me the time till the end of this year...


Longed for at8:08 PM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments