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Monday, September 29, 2008

Yosh, graduated, so empty suddenly.

Guess not use to the sudden stop of pace bah, use to be on my toes and running around gathering stuffs and studying alot, suddenly I was thrown with so much time at hand, of course must study.

But then still quite not used to it hahah XD

Well I know this is abit late, but I want to post my graduation message XD

Four years past in the blink of an eye, friendships have been seen to have built up and broken down, all the obstacles we have been through have mould a better character in us all despite our knowledge. All our teachers have shown and guided us thoroughly throughout this four years of studies, now we are all arming up for the final battle.

It is time to win the war, we shall not fall at this point of time, if we fall, we will only disappoint our teachers and all those who have pinned their hopes on us.

I personally have went through alot in this four years, from the emo boy who came in alone in sec one, I am now more cheery and no longer alone, as I have great friends and a wonderful bunch of god bros and sis. They have accompanied me for long and some maybe short but yet very meaningful times.

I would like to take this chance here to thank the many who have helped me starting from friends.

Rachel- Thank you, you are the first person in class who is willing to talk to me, I really appreciate you willing to be my friend and hope our friendship will not die off.

Mindy- Thanks for your never ending encouragement throughout these years, I am truly grateful of all your help and shall never forget about, hope we will be friends forever!!!!

Guan Wei- You are the first male friend I have made in the school, though we may seem to have different beliefs and not always on great terms, you were a great friend through it all.I appreciate your help thorugh all the tough times and may we be in contact in the future ^^.

Amanda- Haha, bunny XD I remember much, you were always so fun to be with, your smiles never seem to end, they will always cheer people around you much, and of course a chio bu too haha XD. I appreciate you not despising me andwilling to be my friend XD. Sorry if I had scared you too much, by constantly popping out of nowhere XD

Elizabeth- I really appreciate your friendship, though we may not be talking as much as before, but I am really grateful that you are willing to befriend me. You are a great person, despite your family background, you never mind mixing with us who have a lower background than you. I am really happy tohave met you as you have taught me much and helped me snap out of my self pity and emo shell with your constnt scolding ^^. Thanks!!

Keezi- You are the second male friend I made in the school. I know I am weird at times and that maybe freaky, but you never seem to be bothered with it and for that I thank you. I know now, you probably just don't want to be bothered about me. But I appreciate your company thorughout sec one and two. Thanks for making me laugh that time when I was crying, you are a great friend.

Reynard- Third male friend haha XD You are a great guy and friend, hope we stay in touch^^

Zheng Xiang- Great guy, you must smile more and work harder XD

Qing Hao- How could you just let go like that, must strive for it, gambatte!!!

Esther- You ar a great person, though we don't talk much, you still showed concern for me when I don't look too well in class.

Lynette- Though you maybe teasing me in class, but I appreciate your friendship and concern thanks ^^

Alex- Great friend, your lame jokes never ceases to amaze me at all haha XD

Liying- though we may not be friends anymore, but I appreciate the time I spent with you, they were fun. Our seperation has also led me to figure out how bad my personality was and I udnerstood it. Thank you

Eddie- You were one of the closest friend I had, but you left when Liying left, I found out how weak our friendship was at then and felt that nothing could be done about it so just let it be.

Iffah- My best counsellor ever, your advices is always so helpful, love it that you are my friend and hope we shall be friends forever.

Jeanette- Thought I forget you? haha Never, you are the best friend I ever made, your words are ever so inspiring though at times you have no diea what you talking about, I will miss thetime we spend at the canteen eating.

Qiu Ju- Yosh! Don't stay so quiet, you are a great person and I appreciate your friendship!!!! Let's all go out and eat someday.

Dorothy- Hello, funny isn't it, we are such friends now, even though we barely talk when we were in sec one and two XD hahah I guess that was then, we shall all go out and eat!!!

There is simply too many friends- To those I have not mentioned, I am sorry, I did not forget what you guys have doone for me, it's just that there is simply too many to be named ^^

Now teachers,

A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Thought I forget about you guys right?



Thought he time we spent together is short, but our kinship will always last.

Pinku- Yo bro, second in line lei, though you may say you want to grow up faster, but trust me, growing up too quickly is a bad thing, just take me for example, I grew up too fast and I gained too much responsibilities, so for now just live your simple and yet complicated life XD Well, though I know you for quite long, in fact for three years already, from when you were in sec one, but I barely approach you and talk to you haha XD SO, I can only say I know you from this year onwards. 5 months since I know you le....Thanks for the time you spend with me, you are a great brother, you are usually there whenever I needed help, but can you try to stop making me talk to your ah ma? It is abit pai seh sia XD

Shiroi- Yo sis, third but always protected neh, haha XD only girl gets all the privillages haha XD
Shuang anot? Right, left side 2 bodyguards each haha XD though height of bodyguards not balance lar haha XD. I know since last year, but we barely talk, till this year when you suddenly pop out of nowhere, and startedtalking to me, from them w became such good godsiblings XD
Remember my 口头禅 anot? Love to say, everything is so 可悲 ar hahaahah XD You made me play basketball and I am getting alright with the game now XD well more practise needed though ahahah. You are constantly so emo, but I prefer you in your crazy self, we shall go crazy mode again one day XD hahaa, just laugh all we want, like how you scare me by laughing like there is no tomorrow XD.

Aoi- Yo bro, fourth in line, though treated as the youngest due to your height, sry XD I never seem to have seen you in school before this year, guess I never bothered to look out XD But you are a great brother, though stubborn you maybe, you reminded me alot of me haha XD I remember when I frist met you, I refuse to talk much and I just sit around watching you guys play ball. As time past, and don't know from when on, I start playing basketbal with you guys and I started talking to you, especially when Shiroi keep confrencing us. Six pec boy, good lor, make me so sian diao, cos I only got 1 big pec, don't worry 我会去练出来的。Provided my determination is there lar haah XD And gratz on recovery XD

Reddo- Yo bro, last in line but treated as third in line. Guess your mentality and size made you there. I never much see you around too, until this year, remembered how much I love to laugh at how you play basketball, cos you movements with the ball uncanning resembled how a king kong moves, I guess that's why you got that nickname bah XD I appreciate the time you have spent with me and how much patience you gave me while listening to me rant about my insignificant and self pity personality. You are a great guy and try to show more of your emotions, if you have problems, just share it with us, though you may be able to solve it, but you can let us know so we can just listen to it ok XD ahha.


Longed for at12:10 AM
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tomorrow is Graduation Day!!!!


but I will miss the food sia, and some of my juniors and friends. well I will post my graduation message tomorrow ^^


Longed for at7:41 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008


I am lame shitting here XD


JIA YOU!!!!!


Longed for at8:50 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Quan are you seriously alright?

Your emotional status is no longer a difficult challenge for me and it is starting to become a permament blockage to me.

I feel very useless and weak everytime I see you so sad and yet all my attempts to make you smile is futile. Well I am not trying to say that you should smile everytime I try to make you to do so, as I was the one afterall who wants you to show me your true emotions.

But when you said I am your diary yesterday, I feel even more useless. Am I only such a non-existence item that cannot help you recover from your emotional pain and shall forever be only able to be you listening ear?

Then again, why am I saying so much? My existence will soon cease to be there anyway. My graduation day is coming, which mean my time in the school is coming to an end as well, soon we will go our seperate ways and I won't be around already.

I guess I have failed my responsibility anyway, so I guess I leave the make you happy par to your friends, who definitely can lift you spirits up and without me saying you know who I am talking about.

So I guess I wish you all the best in you studies ^^


Longed for at8:40 AM


Today, went to Pearl's house and celebrate lollers XD

Hahah though not her birthday yet lar, so it is like early birthday celebrations XD

Well got her a PSP a bomb it seems but it is alright since, many of us chipped in, so cut cost lar XD


Well I am abit too tired today, when I have more time next time I will post the pictures and stuffs XD ^^



Longed for at12:15 AM
Friday, September 12, 2008

I am like abit stressed now.

Studies never ever did stress me much lor...

Friends on the other hand, well just say I care too much, I am too nosey liao le.

Iffah is right, they aren't kids no more, I shouldn't be so protective and all, who am I to be telling them what to do, I am just like any other friend, I may so called be their "older brother" but afterall it is all by name wad.

In the end I am still a friend.

So yes I guess I shouldn't hold on that tightly, they need the space to breathe to. Correction, I shouldn't hold on to them at all, because I have no right to tie them down at all.

That's right I shan't be that selfish no more.


Longed for at9:24 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I redited my previous post, apparently blue did rash down after reading it le, but I guess this is all expected by me, I will keep those words hidden for now, at least till I tink they are ready to read it without getting too emotionally affected.

so well I am here wee early sia XD

Well didn't go school today, today morning vomitted out some blood so ya.

Apparently was just some throat infection so it is ok.

But now cannot eat spicy and fred food T_T

sad lar, but it is alright then hahaha XD

the remainding of this post is for Blue.

Sorry blue, for making you cry is my fault, though I have warnd you about the post, I wasn't able to fully prevent you from reading it, and the rain yesterday seem to be telling me that no matter what I do, it won't make you change your opinion.

But I just want to tell you here that, you need not worry too much about me, focus on the others and you understand what I am talking. Especially try to spend more time with your family ^^ the pig pigs will all understand, you need not always put your family aside just to accompany us. We all have to be with our family once in a while, even me, no matter how rebellious I am, I will try to give my family some time, so you don't need to give all your time to us ok ^^

I understand being selfish isn't exactly you, but as I said, this is life, you must learn to be selfish to yourself once in a while. You need not show us a happy you everytime, when you are sad just show it, you just need let us know what is troubling you, as faking a smile is gonna hurt us more than your sadness. Don't deny us the chance to help you, as it is painful knowing that you are suffering and yet we can do nothing to help.

So let us just share weal and woe together ok ^^ All the oher pigs will stick together with you, this I promise ok ^^


Longed for at12:16 PM
Monday, September 08, 2008

Wees got some information sheet today, talking about the sec 4 graduation day stuff. Apparently all sec 4s hav to stay in school till 1pm haha XD

Then they are saying we can choose to opt out of focus study for subjects which we have scored A1 or 2 in prelims, but unlucky me being stupid, I can only opt out of e and a maths, so I decided not to opt out at all muahahahah...


Longed for at7:48 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008

Lollers I got tagged by Jean to do some stuffs haha XD apparently she wants me to tag happy things XD fine then ^^

20 random facts

  1. I get drunk eating dark chocolate. (don't ask me why cos even I dunnoe)
  2. I adore the beach way too much.
  3. I find no interest in studying.
  4. I am plain lazy.
  5. I am constantly bored and love it.
  6. I don't like lizards.
  7. I love blasting music in the toilet.
  8. I act cute for no hell reasons hahaha XD
  9. I find acting is what I live for ^^
  10. I find relationships stupid for now at least.
  11. I find that friends are not a need but a want.
  12. I love my bed XD
  13. I am a born liar woohooo.
  14. I love biting on things. (sounds like a baby XD)
  15. I want my godbros and godsis to fully break their emotional bond to me.
  16. I just love the loner life.
  17. I want to lead a simple life, holding a simple job with simple people around me in the future.
  18. I am an asshole, who whines and indulges in self pity and is a heck of an attention seeker.
  19. I want my doctor for once to tell me," Ken, you have cancer and only have 3 months left."
  20. I want to try to get banged down by a car, not on purpose but accidently. XD

Lol I shan't tag anyone, just whoever wanna do this, just do it XD

You don't need to copy it just type 20 random facts XD


Longed for at9:07 AM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments