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Friday, June 27, 2008

Woohoo I am hysteric, suddenly going back to the Gundam fanatic state hahaha XD and thi is my first Gundam Model XD

This my second one hahaha XD

This is my third one wees XD

Well this is my fourth one XD, this can change shape de hoho, uber cool neh XD

Random pictures sky sky and that uber nice curry udon from Sumo House XD

Muahahaha My score is 496 but that cause the machine got some error with the sensor haha XD

My new slippers hahahah XD uber soft and nice to wear XD

Last picture is Emo White Pig XD told her she would kill me if I post this picture, kill me neh XD hahahaha lalalalal she has been fooled XD I posted in the end...


Longed for at10:53 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well here are the photos I promised, sorry it was delayed XD cant find my camera haha XD

Lookies, nice wrapper right XD It was from some biscuit made in Japan XD I will say it taste gorgeous. The name of it is Shiori Koibito which means White Lover XD and as the name said, the biscuit is filled with white chocolate and when you take a bite, you do have the falling in loive feeling sia XD, How mysterious sia XD

Carl's junior burger, damn big lar, literally as big as my hand lor XD but it is nice

Cool eh XD F1 car in Causeway Point hahaXD apparently it is a game stimulator hhahahaha

Cute tortoises from More Than Words, actually hor, there is a sign that says no phototaking, but who cares, I took them liao hahaha XDD

Well thats all the pictures, yesterday went with Pearly and her mum and sis to the hospital, so it was like that lor, well walked around, went to Jurong for lunch, watched abit of ice-skating, DDRed abit, then went popular, stare at the books haha XD and was happy to find the book I want XD

went home, do the stuffs, and bombed....

alright today, morning flew by, was fixing my gundam modal actually haha XD, but now we have only 3 days left of holidays, this is so agonising.

nvm, went to Pearly's house, before going over to my cousin's house, went to makan and then went home. I will say the bus was horrible can, waited for 1 hour dun have a single 913 sia >:, so unhappy, then took cab home lor.

slacked and here I am haiz.....


Longed for at10:27 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008


She is finally coming back today, YAY!!!!!


-Jumps around, hopping, singing, dancing lalalalal-

But the wait is agonizing XD

Who cares, she is coming back WEEEEE!!!

Shall post abit more if I have the time...


Longed for at3:08 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008

Well she is in Genting for the second day.... Missing her terribly T_T, even worse than when she is in science camp T_T

Cos at least when she is in science camp, she was able to call me on the second night and that cheered me up. Now no call no msg de, so saddening...

Well nvm lar, she is coming back tomorrow, must be happy^^


Today went to eat pepper lunch, yum yum, love the food there XD

tomorrow post abit of pictures haha XD

so this is all...


Longed for at10:33 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here is a quiz on which major I should take and I so hate the second major lor haha XD

created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Psychology/Sociology

You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Psychology, Sociology, or related majors (e.g., Counseling, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology, Social Work, or other social science majors).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Psychology and Sociology are both great minors to add to any major. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.





























Well Pearly is currently in Genting, she send me an sms at around 5.30 am today and I woke at about 5.33 am wanting to send her an sms wishing her bon voyage, but end up only found my phone next to my pillow at 5.47 am and I think she did not receive the msg lor T_T

Wishing her to have fun lar XD well will miss her loads T_T


Longed for at11:59 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well Pearly is going genting tomorrow, sad eh... well sure would miss her, but hope she have fun there^^

I am bored......

Holidays are coming to an end soon, this is plain boredom can and tomorrow is suppose to be father's day and my bloody aunt wants me down for tuition.

Well let's see, this morning was quite bad.

I woke with my ankle sprained for no hell reason. Went to 881 to play basketball, ironic but who cares, my leg ain't gonna affect my mood for playing when I feel like it. Well Pearly was not there, as she apparently haven wake up yet haha XD

Didn't manage to wait till she reach, as I have to rush over for tuition. After tuition went back home and slacked alot, helped my mum buy stuffs and slacked furthermore.

Well after that roughly in the evening I went out to check my aunt's letter box and also help my mum post letter, I took like half an hour before I found that post box lar, it is damn irritating lor and then my ankle the pain moved up to my thigh there and it hurts like shit as I walked to find the post box....

Well saw Terence on the way though haha XD and Dong Jun on my way back haha XD

well this is all I have to say about my day....

Emo abit here..

She say she don't want talk to me le T_T, well I guess she hates me to the core le, well nvm, have already expected this...

Ok tata


Longed for at8:51 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008

Well happy birthday Jin Yen ^^ hope life in china is a blast for you and wish you all the best for your finals ^^

Mindy Happy birthday to you too, sorry forget to wish you yesterday when I blogged, was emoing haha XD

Well back to emo hahaha whiney post again, so the caution stays....

Well today morning was rather weird I would say...

Hhahaha cos I woke up not knowing why I wake up hahaha XD played abit of maple to find myself rolling back....

Then in the afternon, went to Pearly's house to wait for her, before we go out to meet Jeanette and Keith. We walked around causeway, played ddr, helped Jeanette choose a present for her mother and we went to Jeanette's house.

Stayed there for awhile listen to Jeanette and Pearly play the piano and then we left for basketball. Jeanette at first was unable to go cos her mum did not pick up the phone, but then as soon as Pearly and I left, she called and say she is joining us. After that, bought them drinks and then we headed to Fushan basketball court there.

At first was unwilling to play cos afterall, I am not good at it, but then since they short of player then fine I shall join. Was blocking and barely throwing haha XD cos I dunnoe how to play it and my shots are crap lollers XD

Well after that was more basketball haha XD and even though my sole has blister le but nvm just kept playing and I find I am really getting good and distracting people haha XD

After basketball, went to buy bubble tea and send Pearly home....

Well here comes the emo part ahhaaha XD

Well I will just say what I told her at the bus-stop. She always has that emo and very down and dejected face whenever she goes out with me, it is never so when she is with her friends, so I guess my presence is very depressing for her, because apparently, her frowns are more prominent than smiles when she is with me, alone.

Well I guess, I am not meant for this role, and should really take my exit out of her life, though I am very clear she will start scolding me stupid and stuff when she read this. I understand that deep within after reading all these, she would be very fed up already and soon she will be telling me something like, "FINE! You want to get out of my life, so be it! our friendship ends here." Saddening isn't it, but I guess I would have long anticipated this already and am ready to face up to it when it comes.

I am still here saying sorry, I could not help but return to who I used to be, the jerk, the asshole, who indulges in self pity, thus, I believe that your life would be a brighter one, without me in it, though as I said the white pig and black pig, are yin and yang, but obviously you are the white, I am the black, you are the yang, I am the yin, when the yin leaves the yang, though balance would be tipped, but at least, the yang would be able to live life brightly and with more hopes.

I understand you would not accept this exit of mine, but I don't mind you continuing to talk to me, but just for you to know, my feelings stay true, I would really love for both yin and yang to stay together, but I don't think I should be that yin, you would definitely find a better one, as your brothers around are each and all better than me in all ways, thus don't feel sad for me, just treat me as how my sadness has treated you........

Thats all for this emo post haah XD


Longed for at8:35 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Note: What you are about is going to be whiney, thus if you are one who hates whiney post, please use your mouse, move it to the red box with a cross at the top right hand corner of your browser and click it, or if you want to do it faster, you can simply press alt + F4.

Apparently she says she don't hate me, but obviously I understand now, my stand is weak, my confidence has never been there to begin with, I understand how much she hates me to keep talking about that guy when she is talking to me but I guess is my inferiority that constantly cause me to do so bah...

I am sorry I have caused you much trouble, tears aren't meant to roll down these cheeks, they should be as dry as the Colorado river, non-existent. I am sorry you have to hear my tears....

My heart is currently hollow, the emptiness is killing me, I am no longer interested in the living world... I understand I have promised you but....

Well I guess some stuffs just can't be stopped, but I am terribly sorry. Please understand if my absence will be of any distrubance to you, but then again my presence is a form of absence, thus it makes no difference.

Well I understand for the past six months, the happiness I have brought you is not enough to suffice for the sadness I have caused you, I am a bad omen to all, those who chose to shun me did the right thing. At least their life won't be twarted by my bad luck...

well I will say all these for now and I know I sound whiney........


Longed for at6:39 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well today was an average day well, went to fetched Pearly from her camp and followed her to basketball, then send her home...

Well seeing her today, she is extremely tired and stuffs, worries she won't make it home properly lor, haha I guess I worry too much le XD

well putting that aside I shall talk about another thing....

I guess this is the end between my friendship with her, I seem to always say the wrong things and I have apparently angered her quite alot, with even the last bit of hope I hold on gone, I can say my life has come to a meaningful end I guess....

Well what else can I do, I clearly know her heart is with another guy but I just understand that she doesn't like me to keep mentioning about that guy..I thought she would be happy, if I keep trying to help her relationship with the guy get better, but I guess I am wrong, she is not happy at all, she seem even more troubled and pissed off, she must be hating me to the core right now I guess...

Well I should have expected this, I shouldn't be so meddlesome, this is her relationship afterall, who am I to butt in, I am in no way related to her except as a caring friend that's all.

Well I will admit it if this ends my friendship with her... I only want to say, sorry, I am foolish, I did not consider your feelings and kept forcing you to him even though you like him. I did not see the fact that you are holding so much back when facing him, I am terribly sorry, I am terribly stupid.....

Gomenasai, niichan bakades. Niichan shinshaku shimasu deshita imoto fiiringu.

Sorry I was such a fool T_T


Longed for at9:02 PM

HOHO it is 11th June lala XD

boring morning hhahahah cos my character died before I can get my hands on that dragon scale CURSES!!!!!!

well I shall briefly sum up things for the past 3 days.....

Monday 9th June....

Woke early in the morning cos of a bloody weird dream hahahah XD Called Pearly, to find her still snoozing her way in bed. Well went down to her house to go makan breakfast but ended up mapling there for awhile, then we went to causeway to buy old chang kee hahah XD

After that went shao quan's house to play mahjong hohoh, very fun then play dai di...

Then I followed them to RP where they have a science camp there, left as soon as they went in, well just strolled my way back home and crashed into bed to get more sleep, was very tired cos I woke up at about 6 am when I slept at roughly 2.30 am.
Woke up and my sis pulle my out to watch Made of Honour, the show rocks man love the auntie who say Arthur as Arthor which when pronounced sounds like Arse hole.

well bought dinner went home, watched tv and slept....

Missing her....

Tuesday 10th June....

Woke bright and early to play maple haha cos my char is so crappy must train XD

then after that my sister pop out saying shit shit shit, cos she was late for her doctor's appointment ahahah XD, then I followed her to Tan Tock Sheng Hospital.
Waited there and when she is done went to grab some breakfast.

Went home after that and saw Nandhini along the way cool sia. Continued mapling till my sis woke from her sleep and demanded the use of the computer.... well did train a considerably nice bit so yea.

Went to my room and slacked in bed till I was extremely bored, then I took my Wii out and started DDRing till I was tired hahaah and Pearly called halfway through, giving me a shock, cos she was at camp and stuff so I thought she wun even bother calling or at least the people there forbids the use of phone.

after finishing talking, Andrew messaged me hah XD well after all those I crashed into bed and laid there listening to the radio and fell asleep.

Missing her terribly....T_T

Wednesday 11th June (today)....

Woke up at 5.50 am due to the radio making alot of noise hahah XD

then slacked in bed listening to the radio to about 7++ before getting out of bed and start to use the com to surf around.....

well soon enough mapling and got that bad thing I mentioned at the start and here I was blogging hahahahah

extremely happy now!!!! COS SHE IS COMING HOME TODAY YAY!!!


Longed for at9:41 AM
Friday, June 06, 2008

Yo so long no blog le hohoho

well as you see I went to maple private server for the past few days, well it was fun but when rollback happens it is crappish ok....

well that was all then....

on wednesday went with white pig to meet her friend Marcus, nice guy I would say and very very friendly, so friendly that I am not friendly enough.

well he is into kick boxing apparently and I thought he is in dragon boat haha cos he has that built lollers XD

well we watched Chronicles of Narnia- Prince Caspian

it is like nicer than the first one lar, packed with more action at least.

well it is basically nice I give it a 3.5/5 stars XD

back to maple hohoh....

my little Keno reached level 114, ice lightning mage, must beat wei liang hohoho, seen many places I did not see before but thats cos I quit maple for long long time le lollers XD

well spend the time there killing spree, very fun but was scammed of 5 mil lor, that guy sell me kage but it is below average by 4 ma lor sianz and that glove is crap also can, my level 40 glove is like better than it and that is level 80 glove lor and my lvl 40 din eve scroll.....

well dun care, luccky i earn money fast haha XD

well thats all tata


Longed for at1:37 PM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments