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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Last day of March, today is such a horrible horrible day, I am suppose to go for my Drama practice today but that damn hell swollen eyelid is making my day's activities limited, it even make me suffer it is hell painful so I cannot blink too forcefully, I can cannot strain the muscles on my face, so my expression in my face is rather still.....

furthermore I cannot do stretches as when I stretch the eyelid will ache.....so so so suay somemore I failed 3 subjects where one suppose to be VR but in the end cos the teacher nvr see the MC she failed me and cannot change anything cos the report book was given out I mean so so so so so suay she din even tell me I need to show her the MC she just asked if I had an MC and I told with my form teacher and she walk away never even telling me that I have to show it to her.......

sad sad sad, now my maths is like 16.7 marks I need to score full marks for the next exam to pull the whole thing back to balance, for a maths i need to work real hard to humanities is no difference, my science also must study so it will not further drop, haiz my life has been revolving around book from the day I got my report book, well never mind time to dive back into the book le tatatatata


Longed for at9:03 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cool I am actually not enjoying my wednesdays for once, even with npcc I will still enjoy my wednesdays, yes I know I have been missing loads of Npcc sessions and activities, but still the heart and passion for the CCA stands there, I know many of my friends has been blaming me for not being able to turn up for my CCA and furthermore for very very very long, I am trying my best but first thing first, I need to change my uniform.

Well today cos I woke up hell early, I dunnoe what I was doing but I just woke up at 3 am and actually sat there doing nothing till I fell back asleep at around 3.30 am, I woke up again at around 7 am, hahaha XD

Went to school and was already dying dun ask me why cos I just am in the dying kind of mood.... Lessons went on as per usual, and I figured I did not bring loads of things today like my bio practical book and my social studies books.....

After school, immediately went for drama, or at least not immediately, I sat at the canteen for 30 mins before moving up to the hall where we all waited for Ms Hesley, when she came, we started practice and all the drama kids involved in the dance were not let off, we were pulled to learn the whole dance and practise. Of course I was chosen, at least not chosen but forced to cos many did not want to do it, so in the end there is only 6 drama members doing the dance whereby one is always running off and not learning. She still has the nerves to say we did not teach her, but where is she when we are all learning the dance, she was sitting at the bags reading her book.

well after that we all went home drenched in sweat, luckily it rained abit sia, or else is like warm till death...

I reached home, lay around do some work did nothing else and here I am blogging hahaha ok that's all for today ^^


Longed for at10:25 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007

The day is so boring, I am like so sian everyday is homework like my life is revolve around a few items, yes I know hearing me talk all this crap is boring so let's change the topic hahaah XD

Ok today is a rather meaningful day, since we did much more things, well at least that's what I think XD, we had loads of lesson and Maths for today is as per usual the same, stress, all I can say is that, gotta fix a date so I can clarify all my doubts with Mdm Tong.....Well yes, she may seem like torturing us calling us to see her, but deep down we all know she is actually very very concern about all of us, she did all these things is cos she cares, she could actually teach her stuffs and then end lesson in time without giving a damn if we learn anything, cos at the end of the day she still get paid and the ones who suffer is us not her....

But she don't do stuffs like that cos she cares, and she wishes to see all of us getting good grades for our exams and not flunking them, hence I think we should all start to appreciate her concern and cooperate with her and hence we can all learn properly^^

Mdm Tong I truly am glad that you are my teacher, cos of ur constant teachings we could be better people in life thank you^^

Longed for at10:15 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ah finally back sitting in front of the computer and blogging once more after a few days, well let me talk about the past few days XD

19th March

This day was one of the best, Minday, Tavin, Amanda, Yan Ping, Farhanah, Gek Ling and Hui Xian, helped me celebrate my birthday even though it was over, they accompanied me through the day and I was seriously grateful for what they have done and I love them!!! Yes even though it was just for lunch, they did give me one of the best birthdays^^

20th March

The day started off boring, I was sheepishly lazing in class, and trying to peel my eyes open so as not to be scolded by any teacher that may scold alot hahaah XD still I survived thorugh the day, after school was Drama which we did more practise with the actings and as I reached home, I was like half dead human muahahahah

21st March

This day was one of the worst, it started off with a very low note as I was waking up real early to go to school to get my NPCC uniform changed and due to that I was caught in the rain, and then went to find my senior just to find out that the uniform can only be changed in the afternoon, hence I sat outside the hall with Hila and we talked and soon she was telling me she could feel me absorbing her energy hahaha XD guess I am low in energy level bah hahaha XD

22nd March(today)

Hell bored, as the morning was like nothing to do, the lessons was like nothing to do well at least I do see people oogling over Mr leow( sry I dunnoe how to spell his surname) I was telling amanda that he was one of the better looking teacher's in school and also the youngest, though I kept asking why issit that he became an academic teacher and not a PE teacher, seeing that he look pretty fit.
Also we noticed that the teacher looked alot like Howard, seeing that they have a similar tanned skin tone and also they look rather similar onli except for the glassess and hairstyle XD hahahaha

well after school had guitar lessons and also a Maths test which we went like what the hell? so difficult....then followed by drama which we had more practise and also Mrs Pang and Mrs Thong viewed our performances, I sprained my ankle during the props moving but recovered after much rest, Mrs Pang has an amazing record of experiences in the performing arts and we are all amused by her past habits, still we are very happy that she is very supportive of us^^

well thats all folks good night!!!!


Longed for at9:51 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007

A boring birthday, so that's all I can say, I simply cannot put it another way. I went to the gamer's love sports event today at Kallang......alone... suppose to go with my sis and she suddenly tell me this morning she sick hence i went there alone, so bored sia though i did see niu nai which i mistook him for my sis friend when he first went on stage, but i onli hear the voice nvr see face n he sounded alot like my sis's friend who is a girl. hahaha XD

I feel so diao lor, so I suddenly notice the diff in the pitch in his singing live n album, his album his voice is being adjusted to a lower pitch....but I dun care muahaha he sounds alright afterall so I dun think I will complain much XD hohohohoh, then went for the 3.5km walk/run though th distance seems very short but cos it is alone the loneliness causes it to seem so ever long....when I finished the whole route, I was not even panting cos I walked all the way XD hahahaha

Then I went to play bungee run wherby there is a bungee rope is tied around you and u have to try to run as far trying to overcome the bungee's force, sia lar so damn hard lor i tried crawling running none seems to work proper and i can only reach like 24m so short the record was 29m haiz.... then lucky draw din win anything boooo

guess my birthday doesn't seem so much lucky in a way or another hahahahaahha XD well I guess this is all, tata

Longed for at5:12 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007

My first post after so many months of being so called offline from blogging, today kana virus infection cannot go anywhere, stuck home all day sob sob....

I heard they will be doing lots of fun stuffs, guess i will miss it. Well who cares at least I have friends around to cheer me up hahaha, as per usual my post is expected to eb very short everytime, because I tend to rush through all the events and sometimes, cutting off some events XD

Let me see now, for the past few months, I have been trying to study but ended up getting sick for 2 weeks hahaha XD and thus I failed many subjects for geography I got 9/25, Social studies I got 2/22 how marvellous hahahaha and A Maths I got 8/25, you see how horrible is that XD but I guess in time to come, I just need to work hard and I can pass them * beeming eyes*

Well the day just started so I will blog later in the night to see if there is any eventsXD

Longed for at9:46 AM

Welcome (:
I have spent a few years with you and I hope many more follows <3
I hope you enjoy your stay here XD

Sepia Profile

Being a random person, I have a wide array of friends, true or not, that is another thing haha XD.
At a legal age of 18, I study with what I love and thus unable to do so, as I have yet to find my <3.

Sepia Wishes.

Wishes everyone to be happy
Wants to master many many instruments